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Providing free and high-quality educational technology software and services in developing countries

CN World is a new nonprofit 501(C)(3) organization, founded in 2022 in Indiana USA, to offer free educational technology software tools and services to teachers and students worldwide. The CN World’s initial free offerings are given to public universities in developing nations.


CN World's current free software offerings are Learning Management System (LMS) and ePortfolio system, the most fundamental software systems needed in schools and universities.


CN World’s free services are offered by a consortium of educational technology experts (called CN Wolrd Ambassadors) traveling to preselected institutions in a developing country and offering workshops on the use of advanced learning technologies and pedagogy.  


CN World’s free perpetual software licenses are donated by CourseNetworking LLC


CN World's competitive advantage, compared to other free and open software systems, such as Moodle, is its complete solution. In addition to the free perpetual software licenses, CN World provides free hosting, tech support, onsite and virtual faculty development training, and workshops.


CN World's budget and revenue come through donations from funding agencies, corporate sponsors, and individual donors.  


CN World is inviting all educational technology experts to join the CN World Consortium and become ambassadors. 


For more information please contact one of the CN World Board Members or send your inquiries to

Who will qualify to become CN World member institutions?

CN World is only available to public universities in pre-selected developing countries. If your organization is interested in participating, please submit the application and our committee will review it to finalize our decision.

  • What is the revenue model of CN World?
    CN World is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that is mostly funded by donations from individual donors, philanthropy funding, and corporate sponsors. The financial capital is necessary to maintain the day-to-day operation of CN World. We appreciate your contribution in various ways, including offering your intellect, becoming a corporate sponsor, or making a cash donation.
  • What is included in the CN World software offering and the terms of agreement?
    CN LMS and ePortfolio software license, hosting, and technical support: CN World provides a perpetual software license of CourseNetworking to be used by some or all of the students and courses. The hosting services may be limited to the first three years, subject to renewal based on the availability of donated funds. Additionally, CN World offers a diverse network of free and open educational services, which includes access to MERLOT's extensive library of learning resources, a global network of CN users and institutions, and more.
  • What does CN World offer that improves on available alternatives?
    Reliable and advanced hosted learning technology tools: Most higher education institutions in developing countries face budget constraints when it comes to offering information technology services. As a result, they provide unreliable LMS services operated on outdated in-house computer servers. CN World offers an advanced LMS and ePortfolio software solution hosted on highly reliable Amazon AWS cloud computing. Additionally, CN World offers a diverse network of free and open educational services, which includes access to MERLOT's extensive library of learning resources, a global network of CN users and institutions, and more.
  • What are the advantages of CN over Moodle?
    CN is a next-generation learning platform. CN is a suite platform compared to Moodle, which is a legacy learning management system (LMS). CN offers a suite of many learning tools, including lifelong ePortfolio, gamification, social learning, global classroom, digital badges, and an AI-based personal agent, in addition to the LMS functionality provided by Moodle. Additionally, CN is a hosted platform offering a guaranteed uptime of over 99.9%, and more importantly, it is easier to use with a familiar social media user interface look and feel.
  • How does a CN World member institution receive technical support?
    Global HelpDesk and integration services: Through its global and national HelpDesk centers, CN World provides technical support for system integration and end-user support.
  • What’s the difference between CourseNetworking (CN) and CN World?
    CN is a nonprofit 501(C)(3) organization whereas CourseNetworking LLC(CN) is a for-profit company. CourseNetworking LLC and CN World will co-exist but operate independently with their own boards and leadership teams. CourseNetworking LLC provides a free perpetual software license to the CN World for dissemination among qualified institutions while continuing to commercialize its products and services to institutions not eligible for free licenses and services through the CN World.
  • What are CN World Value Propositions?
    CN World's value propositions consist of: 1. Advanced learning technologies freely available to participating institutions With decades of experience, CN World is at the forefront of revolutionizing education by providing cutting-edge learning technologies to institutions in developing countries, free of charge. Our next-generation Learning Management System (LMS), lifelong ePortfolio, AI-based Smart Learning Agent, and Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) provide a dynamic and engaging learning experience that engages and empowers students at every level. By leveraging advanced technologies, we ensure students have access to the most effective educational tools available, enabling them to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital world. 2. Knowledge empowerment and distribution through CN World Ambassadors CN World is committed to empowering individuals and institutions with knowledge and know-how. We proudly train and send a team of esteemed educational technology experts, known as CN World Ambassadors, to participating universities around the world. Through their expertise, we facilitate the dissemination of advanced knowledge, bridging the gap between traditional educational institutions and cutting-edge pedagogical practices. By connecting experts with participating universities, we curate a community of practice and ensure that students and faculty have access to the latest educational innovations, inspiring a transformative learning environment. 3. Global learning and collaboration without geographic barriers CN World opens the doors to a truly global learning experience. Our powerful platform connects students with peers from other universities, offering a unique opportunity for collaborative learning beyond the confines of their own classrooms. Through our secure and interactive platform, students can engage in cross-cultural exchanges, share insights, and collaborate on projects, fostering a global mindset and preparing them for the interconnected world they will inherit. By breaking down geographic barriers, CN World enables students to broaden their perspectives and develop vital 21st-century skills.
  • What is the benefit of CN World to higher education institutions in the developing world?
    Providing free and advanced educational technology tools and services: Once a higher education institution becomes a recipient of CN World, the institution will receive a free license of CourseNetworking (CN) Learning Management System and ePortfolio, including hosting and tech support. Additionally, CN World will send an Educational Technology expert (CN Ambassador) for a 3-5 day visit to the institution to offer talks, workshops, and IT and pedagogical consultation.
  • Can CN World operate in a low-resource environment?
    Yes. The educational technology tools and services of CN World are hosted on top hosting services, Amazon AWS, with a guaranteed server uptime of more than 99.9%.
  • Can unqualified institutions use CN World software and services?
    Yes. Although unqualified institutions may not obtain the free version provided by CN World, they can still request a paid license from the commercial site: CN (CourseNetworking). CourseNetworking is a for-profit company, partnered with CN World that provides all software and services included in CN World and even more. Interested Institutions can go to to learn more and contact the CN team for product inquiries.
  • Are there any fees associated with using CN World?
    No. All qualified institutions will receive free perpetual software licenses and top-notch educational technology services. CN World solution is bundled with software, hosting, pedagogical services, and dedicated tech support.
  • What is the application process to become a CN World awardee/member institution?
    Interested higher education institutions in developing countries may submit a letter of inquiry to become an awardee of CN World. The committee, consisting of three CN World Board members, will review the applications and select the awardees based on the availability of funds.
  • How does a CN World member institution receive pedagogical support?
    By receiving CN Ambassadors: CN World provides financial and logistical support for sending subject matter experts to adopted institutions to offer on-site pedagogy and faculty development talks and workshops.
  • What kind of institutions are qualified to receive free software licenses and services from the CN World?
    Currently, CN World exclusively extends its offerings to public universities in pre-selected developing countries. We kindly request all interested institutions to initiate the application process, after which our committee will thoroughly review and assess each application before reaching a decision. Please be advised that due to our ongoing efforts to secure adequate funds and resources to support this initiative, the response time may not be immediate.
  • How long does an Ambassador Program typically last?
    Three years. Once a candidate is certified as an Ambassador, their term remains active for three years. After three years, they need to go through the requalification process.
  • Are selected ambassadors paid and how?
    Yes, selected ambassadors are compensated for their contributions. CN World covers all travel expenses related to ambassadorial activities and provides a nominal honorarium stipend. The amount of the stipend is determined based on the workload and responsibilities of the ambassador.
  • What are the requirements to become a CN World Ambassador?
    To become a CN World Ambassador, one must be certified. Anyone with experience in course design pedagogy and some teaching experience is qualified to become a CN World Ambassador. Candidates must submit the Ambassador application form and pass the CN World Ambassador online course. The last step is a short online interview for those who have passed the CN World Ambassador course.
  • What is the course that CN World ambassadors need to take?
    The course is required for people who are interested in becoming a CN World Ambassador and have applied for the program. This course is offered by CourseNetworking to educators interested in learning about innovative teaching practices, such as academic social networking, gamification, badges and micro-credentials, global learning, and ePortfolio, and how to implement these practices in everyday teaching through CourseNetworking. Relevant theoretical underpinnings are introduced first to lay a solid knowledge foundation, followed by concrete real-world examples, instructional strategies and tips, and most importantly, hands-on course-building exercises and ample opportunities to learn from others in the course. Learners can expect to exit the class not only understanding how the new instructional approaches work but also being ready to implement them and share with others. This course is completely self-paced. Lesson completion badges are awarded along the way, and a course completion certificate is issued at the end to recognize effort and accomplishment.

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